Federica Brignone sends a clear message to Sofia Goggia

Federica Brignone commented on the Bergamasque skier’s failure to medal
In an interview with La Repubblica, Federica Brignone commented on Sofia Goggia’s missed medal in the downhill at the World Ski Championships in Meribel-Courchevel: “It was good for her, she was good or lucky, because if she had caught the pole a few centimeters further, at 120 mph, she would have risked it.”
“She was stiff, she threw the race away but she avoided injury, the most important thing. Medals are nice but they are not everything, it matters how we are and what we do, which is beautiful. Elena taught us that.”
Just for Elena Fanchini she has a special thought: “I always think of her and her sisters. For days I was not able to talk about her, now it’s a little better. We were asked, “Did you celebrate the two golds?” but what is there to celebrate? With an episode like that, the mWorld Cup goes by the wayside, there is only one life and you have to enjoy it. Elly was a sunny, genuine person. She was one of the first to tell me “you are good at superG, come train with us.” How she skied on the flats, she had a great touch and lightness. We had a skiman in common, Mauro Sbardellotto, I knew how she was doing but I didn’t want to bother her, what could I say then? We in her team made a donation for cancer research.”