Sofia Goggia without limits: unveiled the new dream

Sofia Goggia reveals her new dream
Sofia Goggia, a guest in the studios of RTL 102.5, talked about winning her fourth World Cup, brought along for the occasion: “I thought all World Cups were the same, but this one is heavier: 4.2 kg. It has great significance, because of all the points I grinded, but the first World Cup won in 2018 is priceless. After the World Cup I gave myself some rest, this week I am working athletically every morning and soon I will be back on skis.”
Then she unveiled her new dream: “As a child in ski club, they made us fill out a motivational card where they asked us what our goal was: I wrote ‘win the downhill Olympics,’ a few years later I succeeded. A beautiful dream, I’m glad I achieved it. There is no better way to honor one’s dreams by continuing to dream, so now I dream of winning another one.”
Finally, the blue champion wanted to emphasize her love for her origins: “On my helmet I have the outline of the Bergamo skyline: you have to know where you want to go but you should never forget where you come from. Bergamo people have an extra edge.”