Dan Peterson holds the key to Olimpia

Dan Peterson’s words.
Dan Peterson is back writing in the Gazzetta dello Sport.
“In this championship final three games were played. In each one, as it happens, the team that grabbed the most rebounds won the game! Why am I not surprised? It was also logical. With two giants like Olimpia and Virtus, teams full of great players and great athletes, playing well on offense is difficult; shooting well even more difficult. That’s why the scores are always lower in these competitions. So, of necessity there will be more rebounds. Whoever catches more of these ‘loose’ balls will have a better chance of winning: one more shot on offense, one more possession on defense.”
Among the players confirmed by Olimpia Milano over the summer are Paul Biligha and Gigi Datome. The latter, class of 1987, returned to Italy in the summer of 2020 to don the red and white jersey after ending a fruitful experience in Turkey, at Fenerbahce. Previously, the Montebelluna native small forward had walked the parquet floors of the NBA, wearing the colors of the Detroit Pistons and Boston Celtics. Mens Sana Siena, Scafati Basket and Virtus Roma were Datome’s other Italian teams.