Serie B, Collegio di Garanzia decisions on Reggina and Perugia

The decisions of the Collegio di Garanzia on the appeals of Reggina and Perugia
On the evening of Monday, July 17, Coni, through its official channels, released the decisions on Reggina’s and Perugia’s appeals regarding participation in the 2023/24 Serie B championship.
Below are the provisions of the collegial body:
Reggina Appeal: “(The Collegio di Garanzia) HAS DECLARED the appeal IN PART IN ADMISSIBLE AND IN PART UNFUNDED the appeal registered under G.R. No. 60/2023, filed, on July 10, 2023, by Società Reggina 1914 S.r.l. against the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC) and the Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie B (LNPB) for the annulment and/or reform of the resolution of the Federal Council of the FIGC, as per CU No. 8/A, published on July 7, 2023, which – based on the opinion of the CO.VI.SO.C, Commissione Vigilanza Società di Calcio July 6, 2023, prot. no. 1594/2023 (also the subject of the present appeal), which rejected the appeal of Reggina 1914 S.r.l. – decided not to grant to the same company the 2023/2024 National License, resulting in its non-admission to the 2023/2024 Serie B Championship, as well as for the annulment of the June 30, 2023, prot. no. 1484/2023, note by which the CO.VI.SO.C., with reference to the issuance of the National License 2023-2024, found, against the exponent Company, “the non-compliance with some of the legal and economic-financial criteria provided for obtaining the national license for the purpose of admission to the Serie B championship 2023-2024, as set forth in Title One of Official Communiqué No. 66/A of November 9, 2022, as amended and supplemented by Official Communiqués No. 141/A of March 14, 2023 and 169/A of April 21, 2023″; as well as any further deed, prerequisite or consequent, however connected thereto and, in particular, of the aforementioned Official Communiqué no. 169/A; for the ascertainment of the title/right of the Reggina Company to participate in the 2023-2024 Serie B Championship; as well as for the recognition of the title/right of the Reggina Company to the issuance of the National License and admission to the 2023-2024 Serie B Championship; HAS, ALSO, ORDERED THE INTEGRAL COMPENSATION OF THE EXPENSES OF THE JUDGMENT.”
Perugia Appeal: “(The Collegio di Garanzia) HAS ACCEPTED, IN THE SENIORS OF WHICH IN MOTIVATION, the appeal registered under the R.G. Appeals No. 62/2023, filed, on July 10, 2023, by the company AC Perugia Calcio against the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC), the Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie B (LNPB) and against the company Calcio Lecco 1912 s.r.l. for the annulment of the Official Notice of the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio – F.I.G.C. No. 10/A of July 7, 2023, bearing the resolution of the Federal Council with which it was resolved “to accept the appeal of the company CALCIO LECCO 1912 S.r.l. for the reasons referred to in the already mentioned opinion of the Infrastructural and Sporting-Organizational Criteria Commission of July 6, 2023 and for the effect of granting to the same company the National License 2023/2024, with the consequent admission of CALCIO LECCO 1912 S.r.l. to the 2023/2024 Serie B Championship”; (ii) of the favorable opinion of the Infrastructural and Sporting-Organizational Criteria Commission prot. 1596/2023 of July 6, 2023 with the subject “National Licenses 2023/2024 – Appeal Calcio Lecco 1912 S.r.l.”; (iii) of the minutes of the Federal Council F.I.G.C. of July 7, 2023; (iv) of the minutes and all the investigative acts of the Infrastructural and Sporting-Organizational Criteria Commission pertaining to the appeal of Calcio Lecco 1912 s.r.l.; (v) of the report of the Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie B prot. no. 861 of June 27, 2023 with the subject “Sistema Licenze Nazionali 2023/2024 Serie B – Criteri Infrastrutturali”; (vi) of any other prerequisite, connected and consequent act and, in any case, for the ascertainment of the lack, in the case of Calcio Lecco 1912 s.r.l, by the peremptory deadline of June 20, 2023, of the requirement of the infrastructural criteria provided for by Official Notice No. 66/A of November 9, 2022 for the purpose of registration to the next Serie B Championship 2023/2024. HAS, MOREOVER, ORDERED THE FULL COMPENSATION OF THE COSTS OF THE JUDGMENT.”