Alberto Gilardino quivers for Mateo Retegui

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The words of Alberto Gilardino

Alberto Gilardino spoke to the microphones of Sky Sport: “Could Luis Enrique also lose Mbappè after Messi? I think these great players have a great ego and above all a great ambition to win. They want to change because they want new experiences and new teams that can make them win something important on a team and personal level. They want to change to win.”

“Is it easy to manage a player who already knows he wants to change next season? You have to have great intelligence. Confrontation is key, saying things consistently, telling the truth, listening, talking…. These things for a path with a player like that are fundamental.”

“Right now Milan’s policy is also with an eye to the future, they buy players projecting themselves into the immediate future. We are talking about players who have already played in Europe and with important characteristics and qualities that could develop within Pioli’s team.”

A clarification on Mateo Retegui, one step away from his Genoa: “There is no officiality yet, we know it is an open negotiation, we are following him, he has important characteristics, he did very well with Italy as well. He has penalty area characteristics, he has important margins for improvement. We are about to finish the retreat, we have made an important path here in Moena with those who won the B championship (actually came a second place, ed), we are getting ready to return to play.”

“We had a really good time in Moena, it’s like we’ve been here for a very long time…. It was a tiring two weeks of work, but the camp was great and the facility welcoming. We have maintained the structure of last season, although we know that obviously there is work to be done in the market. Everything is firm in Italy, but we want to create a strong team identity and we want to bring in players who will make us close the gap with the others. A is an ambitious league, more difficult than B, but we want to suffer, the team has shown that it maintains the values that were fundamental last season.”

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