Happy Casa Brindisi: preseason tests set

Happy Casa Brindisi: preseason tests set
Happy Casa Brindisi is ready to start the 2023-24 season ahead of its first official commitment, scheduled for Sept. 27 at the quarterfinal of the BCL Qualification Round. In the coming days, in fact, the biancoazzurri athletes are scheduled to arrive in the city, who will initially familiarize themselves with the facilities available to undergo, under the guidance of health manager Dr. Furioso, the usual physical-medical examinations for obtaining competitive fitness.
The gathering will take place in the city, in Brindisi, where the first team, directed by head coach Fabio Corbani, his assistants Marco Esposito and Andra Vicenzutto and physical trainer Davide Ferioli, will be able to direct the first training sessions at PalaPentassuglia. The official presentation of the team (date and place in the coming days) as usual will kick off the biancoazzurra week that will end with the 12th edition of the memorial dedicated to Big Elio Pentassuglia.
The Happy Casa Brindisi preseason schedule is outlined as follows:
-August 10: Gathering, testing and individual work in Brindisi.
-Aug. 16: Beginning of group training sessions at PalaPentassuglia
-September 8/9 “Dalla Riva Sportfloors” trophy in Cavallino Treporti
Sept. 8 Happy Casa Brindisi-Nutribullet Treviso at 5 p.m.
Sept. 9 Happy Casa Brindisi vs Umana Reyer Venezia/Openjobmetis Varese
Team presentation (date to be determined)
-September 15/16/17 – ‘XII Memorial Elio Pentassuglia – Happy Casa Cup’ in Brindisi, PalaPentassuglia
Sept. 15 Happy Casa Brindisi-Gevi Napoli at 8:30 p.m.
Sept. 16 Gevi Napoli-Falco Szombathely (UNG) 6 p.m.
Sept. 17 Happy Casa Brindisi- Falco Szombathely (UNG) 6 p.m.
–September 20 friendly vs Scafati (venue to be determined)