Iverson’s snub of Rombaldoni still surprises today

Iverson’s snub of Rombaldoni still surprises today
In the columns of the Corriere del Veneto Denis Marconato recalls the one from Italy 2004 in a game that has remained famous in which he branded a certain Tim Duncan. "I don't think I have to say how strong he was, but on that occasion he did not express himself at his best: they were in the midst of preparation" he tells a few hours before the Manila super challenge.
"Rombaldoni wanted Allan Iverson’s autograph and he refused; and from that moment he è charged even more; and we with him. We played well, above our potential, and won deservedly" adds the’former center.
"They suffer from the choral and team game, and it è seen in these games at the World Cup, which we do well. Let's say that if our shooters find the right day in shooting from the arc we might even surprise them. And then there's the Poz factor…. hopefully he will stay on the bench the whole game. Joking aside, he will know how to motivate the team well" Marconato