Napoli, trust in time for Garcia. Possible replacement ready

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Obligatory to do well with Udinese, Lecce and Fiorentina

Crisp air in Naples. The start of the season, especially in the championship, has not been exciting for Garcia who, at the moment, finds himself -7 from the leader Inter. An unpleasant situation, made even more complicated by the externalizations of the team bigwigs, Osimhen and Kvara above all.

According to Gazzetta dello Sport, Garcia would already be with his back to the wall. Decided on a kind of time trust in him. In order to continue his work, the former Lille and Roma coach will have to do well in the next three league games, respectively with Udinese, Lecce and Fiorentina, as well as not disappoint in the Champions League big match with Real Madrid, scheduled at the Maradona next October 3.

Garcia, therefore, would already be under scrutiny. Should he fail, there would already be a name to replace him, namely that of Tudor, fresh from his experience in Ligue 1 at the helm of O.Marseille and seen, in Italy, on the benches of Udinese and Hellas Verona.

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