Davide Formolo closes on a high note

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Davide Formolo wins the Veneto Classic


Davide Formolo ends his pro season on Italian roads in style, winning the Veneto Classic 2023. The 30-year-old from UAE Team Emirates won solo, beating his teammate Marc Hirschi by 14" and Team Jayco AlUla’s Filippo Zana by 16&quot.

For Formolo è it was also a rematch: in the 2022 edition, in fact, he had finished second right behind Hirschi, in what was the second edition of the race organized by Filippo Pozzato’s PP Sport Events. Two successes out of three editions thus bear the signature of an Italian winner: Battistella in 2021, Formolo in 2023.

This year's course was 195 km long, starting in Mel, a town in the province of Belluno, and finishing (now classic) in Bassano del Grappa, in the province of Vicenza, the scene of all the finish lines of the three editions of the Veneto Classic, a race that this year was part of the UCI ProSeries 1.Pro calendar.

Todayè s second success of the season for Formolo: a few weeks, last September 28, makes the first, at the Coppa Agostoni, curiously won again ahead of the Swiss Hirschi.

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