Tragic accident, amazon Margaret Mayer dies

Tragic accident in Sardinia
Tragic accident at the Sardinia Jumping Tour at Tanca Regia in Abbasanta, in the province of Sassari.
Amazonian Margherita Mayer lost her life due to a tragic accident in the warm-up. Disclosing the dreadful news were the organizers of the race in a note.
"&It is with deep sadness that the Organizing Committee of the Sardinia Jumping Tour 2023, Agris, FISE and the President of the Jury announce that during the warm-up underway in the afternoon, due to a tragic accident è died the amazon Margherita Mayer. Despite dramatic attempts at resuscitation with the timely intervention of doctors, service ambulances and helicopter rescue, Mrs. Mayer did not regain consciousness. The organization, the amazons and riders, all the staff involved in the event and those present at the tragic circumstance warmly embrace the grief of her husband and family members".
Margherita Mayer, 61, an Asl veterinarian from Cagliari, was a member of the Is Alinos club in Maracalagonis.