Binaghi: “We want the Davis Cup Finals in Milan.”

Binaghi: "We want the Davis Cup Finals in Milan"
Federtennis president Angelo Binaghi at the microphones of l'Ansa announced after meeting with Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala that he has the intention to bring the Davis Cup Fials to Milan from 2025.
"We are ready to compete to bring the Davis Cup Finals to Milan from 2025, as soon as the Itf opens a competition. We are convinced that we have what it takes to field a competitive proposal, with the commitment of everyone, public and private players", Binaghi continued.
"Sala, with whom we have already begun to deal, knows the seriousness" of our commitment". The meeting è took place on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of the Davis trophy in the Sala degli Arazzi of Palazzo Marino.
Binaghi during the Supertennis Awards spurred Sinnet ahead of 2024: "The federation è your big family and you can count on our support, but we must aim for another dream. We brought Davis back to Italy after 47 years and now we don’t want to stay second all our lives. Do we want to stay second behind soccer? Behind Djokovic? Do we not want to win a slam tournament? I don’t think so, we have to think even bigger and without changing a comma of what we have done".