Cagliari and Genoa look to Monza for their offense

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Genoa (but also Cagliari) looks to Monza for its attack

The soccer market window will end on Thursday, February 1, at 8 p.m., with the classic closing of the doors, often the subject of rather embarrassing scenes, which will take place at the Sheraton hotel in Milan. So there are still more than two weeks left for domestic clubs to improve the staff available to their coaches.

Among the players who could change teams in January is Lorenzo Colombo, who has been struggling to find space in Monza in recent times and on whom AC Milan, owner of the Vimercate-born striker’s card, is betting a lot in the future projection.

On the tracks of the class of 2002 there are numerous companiesà of the maximum series, among them Genoa, but not only: also Cagliari, should Colombo leave the biancorosso, è ready to step forward.


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