Empoli, Aurelio Andreazzoli’s dismissal made official: replacement already chosen

Official: Davide Nicola è the new coach of Empoli'Empoli
Skip the fifth bench in Serie A. Empoli, in fact, has announced, through a statement on its official channels, the exoneration of Aurelio Andreazzoli, who had taken over from Paolo Zanetti on the fifth day of the championship. In his place, the Tuscan management has chosen Davide Nicola, last year exonerated by Salernitana with the championship underway.
"Empoli Football Club announces that it has relieved Aurelio Andreazzoli, from’the position of technical manager of the First Team, and his collaborators Alessio Aliboni and Francesco Chinnici.
To coach Andreazzoli go the mostù heartfelt and sincere thanks for the work done in recent months; at the same time Empoli Football Club wishes the technician and his collaborators the best of luck for the sporting and professional future" this is the note issued by the Tuscan club.
"Welcome Mister Nicola!
Empoli Football Club announces that it has entrusted the technical leadership of the first team to Davide Nicola. The technician has signed a one-year contract with an option for a’further season and tomorrow afternoon he will direct" the first training session" this, instead, is the statement related to the new coach.