Fifa rejects blue card

FIFA rejects blue card
Stop the blue card by Fifa. The new sanction, which would punish players guilty of protests and unsportsmanlike tactical fouls with a time expulsion, è was rejected by World Federation President Gianni Infantino, who arrived in Glasgow for the 138th annual general assembly of the International Football Association Board (IFAB).
Prior to the meeting Infantino è immediately went ahead and showed firm opposition to the new card: "No blue cards will be used at high level. This è an issue that does not exist for us and FIFA è completely opposed to blue cards".
"Also, because we care about the health of the players, we will not introduce temporary substitutes for head injuries. They are an important issue for us: we have invested a lot of money, so now we have expertise in this area that we didn't have before. Medical experts say that it's simply impossible in a few minutes to be able to determine whether there's been a head injury and whether it's serious or not. That is why, if there is a suspected head injury, the player will have to be replaced. If you want to worry about the health of the player, then the player must leave and another player must come in".