Festival with Paola Egonu and Myriam Sylla

Festival in Monza
The ’appointment è of those not to be missed: Friday, March 8, 2024, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the’Opiquad Arena in Monza on viale Stucchi, will be the time for the Festival of the Common Good. Taking center stage will be nearly 20 associations from Lombardy united by a common intent to arrive at the shared signing of a Charter of Values. A commitment to sign that will guide the future path of the working group, which sees the participation of realities such as: Acli, Aidda, Azione Cattolica, Bcc, Caritas Ambrosiana, Cisl, Compagnia delle Opere, Confartigianato Imprese, Confcooperative, Confindustria Lombardia, Csi, Lions, Oratori Diocesani Lombardi, Progetto Arca, Prospera, Rotary, Ucid Gruppo Lombardo and Uneba.
During the Festival of the Common Good, hosted by journalist Alessia Tarquinio with off-schedule incursions by Luca Abbrescia from Milanese Imbruttito, various activities already accomplished, ideas and projects for the future will be presented. For a future that wants to put the focus on the person, in its broadest sense, starting with a “focus” on the’importance of training for the youngest. And of young people in the audience an important number is expected, considering also the participation of the Italian Sports Center and Diocesan Oratories.
Guests of honor at the Festival, moreover, will be volleyball players Myriam Sylla and Paola Egonu. The national team captain and one of the most important representatives of international volleyball will speak on stage at the’Opiquad Arena, also home of Consorzio Vero Volley, a reality for which they both play under the flag of’Allianz Vero Volley Milano, engaged both in the A1 series championship and in the CEV Champions League, the highest continental competition of club volleyball.
The Festival of the Common Good wants to pick up, in Lombardy, the baton of the Festival of Social Doctrine, a happy intuition of Don Adriano Vincenzi, who since 2011 has wanted to bring and make witness the values and the“doing” of the Social Doctrine of the Church through a great event. The ’intention è to start a virtuous path, to promote the sustainable development of societyà and people based on values such as solidarityà and subsidiarityà. Becauseé change è a process, not an event. It does not happen suddenly noré è thanks to someone external to us, and è it is necessary to be both its promoters and protagonists.