Italrugby privateer with Scotland: Gonzalo Quesada explains the key to success

The words of Gonzalo Quesada after the success against Scotland
After drawing at home to France, Italrugby found its first victory in this edition of the Six Nations by narrowly beating Scotland 31-29. At the end of the match, in a press conference, the coach of the Azzurri Gonzalo Quesada, among other topics discussed, dwelt on the change of mentality, the growth his players had in the last period and the key factors that allowed his boys to come back and snatch the victory.
"The biggest credit è to the boys, and to the whole staff. We work hard, I spent weeks convincing the players of their potential. We won against a strong team and we did it with very good defensive discipline, with a lot of heart and a lot of courage, but also and above all with a structured game, managing well the choices in the various areas of the field. We are maintaining the bold identity built in recent times by the team, but at the same time structuring our game with new elements. As a coach I am overjoyed, but I know that there'è still a lot of unexpressed potential" began the coach of the Azzurri.
"Against Scotland è it was difficult to choose the team, the options are fortunately for us many and when the changes came in this è proved fully. From the first meeting with the boys in Verona we came out with some group work and identification of a path, we are fulfilling what we have committed to do and this è for all of us a very strong signal on the level of awareness. Being down 14-3 with such a team was not è easy, but we never gave up and continued to believe we could come back. Seeing the tears of the players and staff è was something very profound, we have to do even more; to consolidate achievements like this" added the Buenos Aires native.
The secret for us on the staff è being able to count on a group of crazy players, whose most worrying case è is precisely that of the Captain. The level of commitment è incredible, we are working on something complex and long to build, an’identity à and an Italian signature on our game, a collective project, fully involving those who play and the whole staff. Però I repeat, I have not transformed anything, the Federation, the Franchises and all the Clubs I have visited I feel they are sharing a common goal feeling part of this project, it is up to all of us to work staying focused on this, starting next week in Wales, where we intend to leave no stone unturned to hit another very important goal” concluded Gonzalo Quesada.