Juan Jesus-Acerbi, Ciccio Graziani intervenes: “Couldn’t take it anymore.”

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Ciccio Graziani speaks on the thorny case

Ciccio Graziani, on Radio Goal, live on Kiss Kiss Napoli, had his say on the Juan Jesus-Acerbi querelle. "It’s a good thing that è it’s over, we couldn’t take it anymore – he told -. I can’t think that Juan Jesus made it all up, forò in the absence of testimonies you can’t condemn a person". 

"It&#39s your word against mine. Only those directly involved know the truth, and we have to take the sentence thatè was issued" added the 1982 world champion.

"Coaches affect a lot, last year Spalletti was an added value because heé managed the environment and the team very well. Forò to make the difference are always the players, coaches can not make goals" the conclusion of Graziani, asked about the season of Napoli.

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