Genoa, Alberto Gilardino wants to close on a high note

The words of Alberto Gilardino on the eve of Genoa-Bologna
Alberto Gilardino, Genoa coach, presented the match with Bologna in a press conference: "Junior Messias will come on the bench and will be with the team. We lose De Winter because of a little problem. We hope it is nothing serious. Otherwise everyone is fine, I'll make evaluations on who è returned from injury because not everyone has ninety minutes in their legs. We have to be very lucid and very careful".
He then thanked the fans: "I have spoken often and will continue to say that this year they have been the beating heart for us. Thanks to them at home we feel a tremendous boost. And we need this kind of affection because’è there’è the perception from the team that there’è was something unique and extraordinary. And this we need to maintain it from next season where we will start again, bringing all the positive things with us by zeroing out the rest and start again".
The Grifone coach wants to end the season on a high note: "I am making evaluations, I have rotated many players in training. The willà è close in a positive way in front of our public. I’m counting on who will play; and also in who will come in. I count on the whole team and those who have played less will have toà be ready while those who have given continuityà of performance will have to" give more.
There was no shortage of compliments to Atalanta for their Europa League triumph: "I take this opportunity to congratulate coach Gasperini and Atalanta for what they have done. It’s something extraordinary. I’m happy for the coach because his perseverance in working, his stubbornness in getting the players and the team to improve made it all come back in the long run. It’ is the right reward for a great coach and for a company that’ stayed at that level for eight to nine years. It has worked, built and è improved, sold and è improved again".
"We have to be fired up for tomorrow’s game. The team must reflect the season we have had. It has to be a strong team at the competitive level, on second balls, knowing how to play and be careful, We have to be very good and careful in these situations" concluded Gilardino.