Vero Volleyball Milan, official renewal of Paola Egonu

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Paola Egonu remains at Vero Volleyball Milan

After the signing of Juliette Gelin, Vero Volley Milano has announced the renewal of Paola Egonu, who will wear the Meneghini jersey also for the 2024-2025 season. It was announced by the company itself through a statement issued on its official channels: "After a year as top scorer in the Women’s A1 Regular Season, the Italian opposite player will reappear at the starting line of the 2024/2025 season with the colors of Vero Volley".

Born in Cittadella (PD) on December 18, 1998, Paola Egonu began her volleyball career in 2012-13 in Club Italia, where she stayed for five seasons before joining Igor Gorgonzola Novara in 2017-18. In the two-year period in Piedmont, she won the Champions League (2018-19, MVP), two Italian Cups (MVP in 2018) and the Italian Super Cup (2017). In 2019 she moved to Conegliano for three seasons, winning the Club World Cup (2019, MVP), the Champions League (2020-21, MVP), two Scudetti (2020-21 and 2021-22 both times MVP), three Italian Cups (two MVPs) and three Super Cups (MVP in 2019).

In 2021, the year of her last Italian season, she è awarded by CEV in Ljubljana the Best Player of the Year award. In the 2022/2023 sporting year, she moved to Istanbul (TUR) to Vakifbank where, in addition to raising the Turkish Cup, she won the CEV Champions League in Turin, beating Eczacibasi Istanbul in the final and taking the tournament MVP award. Last season she returned to Italy and landed at Vero Volleyball where she was the top scorer of the A1 Women’s Regular Season, as well as the top blocker and top acer of her own team.

"This will be my second season with the Vero Volley jersey. The main goal I set for myself è to improve and aim higher and higher. The year just passed must be a good starting point to aspire to greater goals" these are the first statements of Paola Egonu after the renewal.

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