Marc Marquez ahead of Pecco Bagnaia: Jorge Martin worried

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Jorge Martin fears Marc Marquez

Jorge Martin finished fourth in the Sprint Race of the Catalan Grand Prix. "Unfortunately, I did not start well – he admitted – I almost touched with Rins, in fact I found myself tenth in Turn 1. I lacked grip, I had to strain a lot on the front arriving immediately at the limit. We have to understand whyé I struggle so much behind the other riders, although I had pace. All in all, I finished fourth and would like to do better on Sunday".

"Today we saw that many twists and turns happened – added the world leader, in the words reported by -. So I preferred to finish fourth and suffer rather than push and fall. Tomorrow with the average I think I have moreù margin, hoping that the race will be slower".

He then commented on Pecco Bagnaia’s fall, which è cost the world champion victory and caused him to slip to fourth place in the overall standings: "Pecco’s fall è very similar to mine in Jerez. In the end everyone wants to win. I think the top six today have all the cards to win tomorrow".

Now to threaten the first position of Martin there'è Marc Marquez, who bypassed just Bagnaia: “There are many races and both of them are very strong. Plus there are then variants like Acosta, Binder and Espargarò who won today. Who do I fear the most;? Marquez è an eight-time world champion and è more difficult to fight with him. Even with Pecco è complicated becauseé è strong and è a great champion. I obviously want to beat them both".

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