Gianluca Rocchi sums up: ’12 serious mistakes this season’

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Gianluca Rocchi sums up: "12 serious mistakes this season"

During the press conference organized in Coverciano, Gianluca Rocchi (head of the National Referee Commission), took stock of the season: "In the first round I identified 8 macro-errors, in the second round I put 4 and you è felt the difference, the change of pace, also due to some choices to tighten the belt on designations. The average quality of the VAR referee groups è above average and as a category they are in demand, sometimes moreù than the referees themselves".

"VAR è an extraordinary tool if used well…Another aspect that makes refereeing difficult è that all matches are extremely competitive. When I started refereeing in Serie A, big versus small almost had a foregone conclusion but today it isn&#39t like that: we have twice as many away wins as we did 20 years ago. The use of VAR è because è of such close results lead to looking at the hair, but it is not è our goal".

In closing, a reflection on the issue of racism: "It had been one of the things to be careful about, we had a case, that of Maignan in Udine in which Massa è was very good. And sì, also Acerbi with Juan Jesus but I am talking about relations between the public and the players. This means that the public as a first thing è behaved better and that, if stimulated, on the issue people give answers. We would like to have zero cases, not one, forò we can all applaud each other as a soccer system".

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