Real Madrid covers Kylian Mbappé in gold: crazy figures

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Real Madrid covers Kylian Mbappé in gold: incredible earnings

On Monday evening Real Madrid made official the zero-parameter purchase of Kylian Mbappé who signed a five-year contract with the Blancos. The European champions will shower the French star with gold: sources close to the negotiations confirm that the former PSG player will receive between 15 and 20 million euros net per season as a base salary.

To this figure should be added the 100 million euro bonus earned upon signing, although the sum will be spread over the 5-year term of the contract 8so another 20 million euros per year). In addition to bonuses linked to the player's and the team&#39s performance, Mbappé is expected to keep 80 percent of the image rights.

Kylian Mbappé immediately posted on Instagram a roundup of his childhood photos while wearing Real Madrid apparel, all accompanied by this text: "A dream come true, I am overjoyed and proud to join my dream club, Real Madrid. No one canò understand how happy I am at this moment.
I look forward to seeing you Madridists and thank you for your incredible support. Hala Madrid!".

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