Alvaro Morata to Juventus: there is some concern

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Alvaro Morata at Juventus: not all fans are happy

In recent days è sprouted the hypothesis of the return (it would be the third) of Alvaro Morata to Juventus: the footballer does not rule out a farewell to Atletico Madrid and his link with the Bianconeri club and Italy è known to all.

There are several Juventini who però are not convinced and have exposed themselves on social networks, especially on X. Critics would like a different kind of footballer, younger and more talented.Morata is 31 years old and his golden period has passed. There'è those who ask for Joshua Zirkzee but the Dutchman who enchanted everyone with his Bologna seems close to signing with Milan.

Alvaro Morata has already worn the Juventus jersey on two occasions: in 2014 the Bianconeri shelled out 20 million euros to pick him up from Real Madrid but the Blancos bought him back two years later for 10 million euros more. The Spaniard’s second experience in Turin dates back to 2020, when Juve picked him up on a two-year loan from Atletico Madrid, shelling out 20 million euros.

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