Kelly Piquet and Max Verstappen blurt out against fake news

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The words of Max Verstappen

Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet after the rumors of recent times have decided to come clean with a long joint post published on their respective Instagram profiles: "Dear reminder to all, the online world canò be a wonderful place for various reasons, but very scary when misinformation and lies" are spread.

"I’m not sure,” wrote the world champion’s girlfriend, “what the appropriate approach might be to talk about the’hatred resulting from falsehoods, but I decided that this post could be an answer to that. For over three years I have been going through a very strange and shocking wave of accusations, rumors, made-up situations, false testimonies, photoshopped screenshots, etc. by remaining silent and not lending my side to these ridiculous claims. The accusations made in recent months have taken another level of defamation. Those who know me know that I would never put myself in these positions, I would never say such things and I would never act in this way. I am far from perfect, but I am proud of my values, my morals and my ways. Let me be clear. As a human being, the comments and the hate deeply affect me and the people around me. I hope this serves as a reminder to people to check online content before circulating it. I hope that those who have helped to stir up a whole host of falsehoods against me will take a moment to reflect on the real consequences of spreading lies and hate. Remember, as James Clear (US writer, ed.) says: ‘Every action we take è a vote for who we want to be’. We choose the best human beings for ourselves and for others".

Max Verstappen then commented with a further message: "This has to stop. These false accusations by some individuals on Instagram and TikTok are crazy and ridiculous at the same time. Hate has no place in this world. We know what è is true in our family and we are very happy together".

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