Euro 2024, Andrea Cambiaso stings Spain

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The Words of Cambiaso

Andrea Cambiaso after debuting at Euro 2024 against Albania is daydreaming: "If three years ago someone had told me I would be here, I would never have believed it. Surely è it was a good climb, the result of a lot of work". 

"I always hoped, there's no day when I però really believed it. I was pretending nothing happened,” the Azzurro commented to Uefa channels. “I nurtured hope at Juventus, è it was a great thrill to get into the 26 and I am very happy".

On Saturday’s win: "The only regret è not closing it out sooner, but there's been a great reaction considering atmosphere and goal after a few seconds. We showed that we are a great team".

The head è already; to Spain: "It will be" a beautiful match against one of the favorite national teams to win, but we have to defend the title. As a team we will play it".

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