Euro 2024, Serbia: Filip Kostic returns home

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The European of Filip Kostic è already finished

The curtain on Filip Kostic's European Championship comes down after only one match played: the Serbian national team side, a starter against England in the match lost 1-0 on Sunday night, in fact suffered a knee injury that, after the MRI performed by the player, turned out to be a partial damage to the external collateral ligament of the left knee.

According to a statement by Milan Vukovic, spokesman for the Serbian Football Federation, the injury foresees a two-week stop period before starting rehabilitation for a return to the field: a time frame that will, in fact, prevent him from returning in time with the right form, even if Serbia were to make it to the bottom of the competition.

Kostic will remain in Germany until Thursday, the day his national teammates face Slovenia in the second day of Euro 2024 Group C, then he will return home. This is no small disappointment for the 1992-born footballer, who will therefore close his European Championships with only 43' played on the field.

The situation è is being closely monitored also by Juventus, the club that owns the Serbian side’s card: in these days in fact, among other things, the future of Kostic himself is being discussed, with the Bianconeri club looking for a possible interested buyer.

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