Danilo unveils his future at Juventus

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Danilo unveils his future at Juventus

A farewell to Juventus è impossible for Danilo: this was said by the Bianconeri defender himself in an interview with Globo Esporte. "At the moment I can only say that it è impossible for me to leave Juventus. I am completely focused on the Bianconeri project with Thiago Motta who è just arrived. We are talking about a coach who has a’very modern idea of football".

Danilo according to rumors could go back to Brazil, but not this summer: "My family è all Flamengo fans, è a madness. Every time there's a game they have a barbecue to watch it. I have a sister-in-law who cries for Flamengo. MaaAt the moment I have a contract with Juventus until 2025, with the possibility of extension for another year. I am very happy at Juve, I feel fulfilled and it also has to do with what è my role as captain. I am still planning my next few years as a player". 

"I don’t want to play too long, two or three years è the maximum I want to play. If I decide to return to Brazil, my priorities would be Flamengo and Santos".

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