Euro 2024, Arrigo Sacchi rehashes the Azzurri

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Arrigo Sacchi does not hide his disappointment

Italy's disappointing performance in Thursday evening&#39s match lost to Spain is still causing discussion among fans and insiders: among them, one of the most severe is Arrigo Sacchi, who in 'La Gazzetta dello Sport' expressed all his disappointment with the Azzurri, who were overpowered by the Spaniards in terms of play.

"The picture of the match è quickly made: there’was an organized collective against a group of players wandering around the field – commented the former technical commissioner, who led the national team from 1991 to 1996 -. The difference between Spain and Italy, for what we è saw last night, è enormous".

The Vate from Fusignano, however, wanted to "absolve" Luciano Spalletti: "He is not to blame,” he said. "He is a coach who has been working for less than a year, has inherited a complicated situation and is trying to give a style to a country that has never had it. Serie A does not help him: most of the teams practice an old soccer, little in line with European principles".

"Players,” Sacchi added, expanding the discourse to the entire Italian football movement, “struggle to emerge because of the massive presence of foreigners. Working under these conditions è a serious problem, which must be taken into account when giving" a judgment".

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