Treviso removes all doubt about Ky Bowman’s future

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Ky Bowman continues his adventure in the Brand

The doubts of the last days have been dissolved: the Nutribullet Treviso and Ky Bowman have in fact found the agreement for the renewal that will allow the club of the Marca to enjoy also in the next season the performance of the American combo-guard, among the protagonists of the 2023/24 year closed with the achievement of the salvation goal.

"Good morning Treviso: I am back!" are the words of Bowman reported by the official website of the biancoazzurro club, which next year will dispute the Serie A for the sixth consecutive season, with Frank Vitucci confirmed on the bench and Simone Giofrè still the sports director.

Giofrè himself, to the official channels of the company, commented on Bowman’s renewal: "Ky è sign of continuityà technical and solidityà of team group – he said -. The progress shown in his second season in Serie A we hope can be the basis from which to start again for the new season".

"We are very happy to have him back with us and at the same time proud that Ky has decided to continue his development path with coach Vitucci" then concluded Giofrè. Bowman, class of 1997, finished last season with 14 points, 3.2 rebounds, 1.9 assists and 3.6 fouls conceded, while also being the best stopper among guards in the league.

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