Marc Marquez fails himself: ‘The mistake is all mine’

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Sadness and self-criticism after a new fall.

Marc Marquez è the big disappointment of the Assen Sprint Race, after retiring in a race that saw the great rivals for the title of MotoGP champion, Pecco Bagnaia and Jorge Martin, cross the finish line in first and second position, respectively. For this very reason, the Catalan is not forgiven anything at the end of the day.

"I fell for a mistake of my own, 100% – admitted Marquez -. It è was a driving error, absolutely human, but that I had to avoid. Unfortunately forò these things happen when racing, and now I can only try to learn from this mistake so as not to repeat it in the future".

Marquez, moreover, admitted that the warning of a problem on that specific stretch of track had already arrived: "I had hit a pothole on the first lap, I knew not to pass again on that point but I did. On the next lap unfortunately I lost my references, I came too fast and lost the front end. I lost points, and that certainly makes me angry. But the anger è even more so for the fact that I know I made a mistake myself".

In any case, the Catalan believes that in that of Assen he would have had no way to counter Bagnaia and Martin. "I could have finished maximum fourth or fifth, depending on how it would have gone with Bastianini. However, to fight for the title this year all the planets would have to align. There are two riders who simply go moreù strong than me", concluded Marquez.

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