F1, Lando Norris is a rage against Max Verstappen: harsh words

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Lando Norris tough on Max Verstappen

In the midst of the fight for first place in the Austrian GP, on lap 64, Lando Norris and Max Verstappen came into contact, causing each other to suffer a puncture that forced the McLaren Briton to retire and the Red Bull Dutchman to finish no higher than fifth in the race later won by George Russell. Norris, at the microphones of 'Sky Sports', è been very hard on the reigning world champion.

"I am disappointed,” said Norris, visibly upset by what happened on the track, “so what else could I say? I had a good race, I expected a tough but fair battle, but it didn&#39t go that way. It's really hard to accept, also becauseé I did not make any mistakes".

McLaren’s No. 4 points the finger at Verstappen’s aggressive attitude in defending his position: in particular, according to Norris his rival would have a tendency to change trajectory dangerously when someone tries to overtake him: "He did it three times out of three – he commented -, on the third time he ruined my race. I really don’t think that with the contact I ruined the race for him, è it was rather the opposite".

"If the rules are not enforced I can’t do anything about it,” continued a testy Norris. “I have to do my job, drive. I am happy with my performance, if I withdrew it was certainly not my fault. The friendship with Max? It depends on what he will say: if he will claim that he did nothing wrong he will lose my respect, if, on the other hand, he admits that he was stupid and in some ways incorrect I might change my mind".

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