A good alternative for Alessandro Florenzi

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Florenzi considers alternatives

According to reports from Tuttosport, Emerson Royal's imminent arrival at AC Milan added to the unexciting relationship with Paulo Fonseca, dating back to their joint experience at Roma, is pushing Alessandro Florenzi to look for new opportunities. 

The lateral è almost certain to leave the Rossoneri club and the possibility of a contract termination is not ruled out, which would save Milan almost 3 million euros in salary until June 30, 2025. 

The next few days will be decisive: several clubs, both Italian (Fiorentina, for example) and foreign, particularly Arab, are monitoring the situation of the 1991 class, who far from the Peninsula has already had experiences in Spain, at Valencia, and in France, at Paris Saint Germain.

As many as 49 times the Roman footballer has worn the national team jersey, scoring on a couple of occasions in the Azzurri.

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