Ariedo Braida goads young Italian soccer players

Ariedo Braida is not hiding
The difficulties of the Italian soccer movement manifested especially at the level of the national team at Euro 2024 continue to cause discussion. At the microphones of 'Kiss Kiss Napoli', during the broadcast 'Radio Goal', Ariedo Braida, current vice-president of Ravenna, with an important past as a manager of Milan in the Berlusconi era, also had his say.
"Young Italians struggling? Spain has Yamal who è a champion, no one taught him anything and should not be compared,‖ said the sports executive, with a past as a footballer in Serie A and B in the 1960s and 1970s. -He is from another planet, è born to be a footballer and è a predestined".
"The other young people,” he added, sending a precise message, “need a path, they do not get to impose themselves because they are not so good. Camarda? If è good è right that he plays, but I don’t think that coaches don’t let young people play becauseè they are young, but only becauseè maybe they are not soì good".
Italy, at the youth level, celebrated victory in the Under-17 European Championships this year and is on track to repeat, at the Under-19 level, the success achieved last year. The hope of fans and insiders è that in these groups of young players we can find individualities capable of dragging a national team that has not participated in the World Cup since 2014 and that disappointed in the last European Championships, played by reigning champions.