Evaristo Beccalossi puts Inter still in front

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Beccalossi puts Inter still ahead

Former Inter midfielder Evaristo Beccalossi gave an interview to Radio Goal, live on Kiss Kiss Kiss Napoli, and naturally spoke a lot about the Azzurri: "Knowing Oriali for so many years I say that è very charged, è left with a lot of enthusiasm. There are all the prerequisites to make a great championship, è a person a way".

"Without making any flights of fancy I say that Napoli will be in the top positions of the standings, Inter remains the favorite, forò Conte è a jackhammer and will be ableè to start again in Naples in the right way. There'è to rebuild with balance and with people up to the situation”.

"De Laurentiis has chosen the right people, they are charismatic people and know how to manage a locker room. With them I expect a Napoli in the top positions".

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