Luca Cordero di Montezemolo grooms Ferrari

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Montezemolo’s words

Luca Cordero di Montezemolo spoke to Corriere dello Sport about the Paris 2024 Olympics and between one gold medal and another, he did not miss a joke about Ferrari: “What canò learn from Italian sport? To win, podiums are no longer enough. Ferrari must return to the roof of the world


"I once got into a fistfight with a race director in F1!", also revealed the former president of the Maranello-based stable, who linked his name to the epic of Michael Schumacher-branded triumphs at the beginning of the millennium.

Meanwhile, Formula 1 organizers have been studying for months the possible inclusion of an air-conditioning system in the single-seaters of the queen class of engines. A cooling system to improve drivers’ conditions during the most grueling Grand Prix during the season. Already at Zandvoort the F1 testerà the system: a choice that did not find many drivers agree.

Among the naysayers is seven-time world champion Lewis Hamilton: "We are well-paid athletes and you have to train hard to withstand the heat. I do not think we need the’air conditioning in the car, which among other things would probably also make the cars heavier&quot, are the words of the seven-time world champion reported by Formulapassion.

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