Valentino Rossi explains how his life has changed

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Valentino Rossi explains how è his life has changed

Former MotoGP star Valentino Rossi in an interview with TNT Sports explained how è his life has changed since his farewell to MotoGP. His daughter Giulietta, born in 2022 (and another bairn è on the way) is keeping him busy, as well as work at VR46 and racing in GT3. "When I stopped with MotoGP, the mentality è è changed a bit', there's less pressure and you start to understand some things differently than when you are a rider".

The life of a sportsman and the crowded MotoGP calendar have kept him busy for more than two decades: "When you are a rider you are always very focused in a kind of ‘bubble’, the rest you understand a little bit less, becauseé you are always very focused on racing".

"When you’re sporty life è you’re almost always made just for sport, you’re always on the bike trying to figure out how to go faster and everything else".

But in truth; now the Doctor has a lot more things to do than he used to: "I am more relaxed now, but I have a lot of things to do. We work very hard for the team, for example, and also with the’academy, to try to give good help to all our riders. And I personally work a lot more; when I was a pilot I worked less, now I spend a lot of time in the office and I have a lot of things to do".

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