Official: Juventus announces sixth purchase

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Official: Juventus announces sixth purchase

Through an official note, Juventus has announced the signing of Nico Gonzalez: "Juventus Football Club S.p.A. announces that it has reached an agreement with ACF Fiorentina for the acquisition, on a temporary basis until June 30, 2025, of the rights to the sports performance of the player Nicolas Ivan Gonzalez for a consideration of € 8 million, plus additional charges of € 0.4 million. 

"The agreement also includes Juventus's obligation to acquire the player&#39s sports performance outright upon the occurrence of certain conditions during the 2024/2025 football season. The agreed consideration for the eventual outright acquisition is &euros; 25 million, payable in three fiscal years, plus additional charges of &euros; 3.1 million; this consideration may be increased, during the term of the sports performance contract with the player, by an amount not exceeding &euros; 5 million, upon the achievement of certain sports goals" reads the note. 

"Given the high probability of the occurrence of the above conditions this transaction, for accounting purposes, qualifies as an outright acquisition already as of today for a total amount of € 33 million. It should also be noted that the final assessment regarding the accounting recognition of the transaction will be made for the purpose of preparing the Half-Year Report as of December 31, 2024, the approval of which is expected in February 2025" concludes the statement of the Juventus club.

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