Ducati, Tardozzi: “Bagnaia is outclassing Stoner! Martin does not have a pin less”

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Ducati, Tardozzi: "Bagnaia is outclassing Stoner! Martin does not have a pin less"

The team manager of the official Ducati team Davide Tardozzi in an interview with Motorsport spoke about the gripping duel between Pecco Bagnaia and Jorge Martin, which is igniting the latest races of the MotoGp World Championship.

"È clear that we live this fight in an honest way giving Martin all the support we can. As his chief technician said, he does not have a pin less than Pecco and he has the total support also of Gigi Dall’Igna and his engineers. That said, never as this year, but also last year, should the world championship be given ex aequo becauseé Jorge and Pecco are giving a great show".

Bagnaia is paying for the many crashes: "If I have to say what a bit’ bothers me è that Pecco has won half of the races and è second in the championship. This è something that should and must make us think about it for the future. We made a few too many mistakes in the race, we need to not be like thisì in the near future".

"Pecco is making history, right now he is outclassing a great guy like Casey Stoner, so thank you Pecco!", è came to say Tardozzi.

Martin seems more mature and aware than the last two years: " After last year where he lost the championship, Jorge è was very good in understanding that he needed to get help on the emotional side. I believe that last winter he made big progress mentally and he is putting it into practice. It is not è coincidentally the leader of the world championship, the moment there’è to settle he settles, which he would not have done last year or in the past".

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