Enter the jet men: Dominik Paris set for season debut

Jet men take the stage: Dominik Paris ready for season debut
In the World Cup è time has come for the sprinters. They are competing in the United States, in Colorado, in Beaver Creek, on the famous Birds of Prey slope. in a weekend that includes a trio of applause, downhill, Saturday super-G and Sunday giant. “I can't wait to get back to racing after long months spent in training" says highly motivated Italian Dominik Paris, Italy's leading sprinter and one of the best in the White Circus. " I feel good and the materials are in place – adds the South Tyrolean champion – so I will try as always".
Of the same tenor were the evaluations of the other top Italian athletes, from Florian Schieder to Mattia Casse to Guglielmo Bosca in addition to veteran Christof Innerhofer. The Bird's of Prey è "as always beautiful and challenging" still says Paris who on Tuesday, as usual in the first of the three scheduled time trials, wanted to have with the other azzurri above all a taste of the course and the snow without forcing. All this while instead they immediately launched themselves giù as if they were in the race the two sprinters who had marked last season: the Swiss Marco Odermatt and the French Cyprien Sarrazin who immediately wanted to make it clear to their opponents that they still wanted to be the men to beat.
On Wednesday, however, the second of the three scheduled trials è was canceled. In fact, organizers and FIS agreed with Paris and other athletes who while praising the preparation of the course had also added that "it could be done a bit' better, as some jumps were a bit' too long". So the second round on Wednesday was canceled and work was done on the most critical points by smoothing out the jumps.
“It will probably come out a moreù fast" track, Paris predicted: and he certainly doesn’t mind that. In addition to Odermatt and Sarrazin – and always absent Norwegian Alexander Kilde, injured like his illustrious girlfriend Mikaela Shiffrin ('the American left the hospital after the accident and updated fans on her condition 'the injury is serious, I don't know when she will be back) – in the free there will be to keep an eye especially on the Austrian squadron led by Vincent Kriechmayr. Last season no Austrian won in the free: almost an affront that the athletes want to remedy also because in February there will be the world championships right in Austria, in Saalbach. And the home athletes want to get there having already proved to everyone in the World Cup that they are always the great and historical protagonists of high speed on skis.