Nenad Jakovljevic thanks Luca Banchi

After the match against Red Star spoke coach Nenad Jakovljevic: “&It’s hard to talk now, we did the best we can at this moment. There are so many things to improve, I hope you can understand my position right now and the mix of feelings I feel".
"We did not play our basketball for 40′ but for a good part of the game and this good part has to become 40′, if there should be overtime even more". We allowed our opponents to score 34 points in the last 10′ and this è definitely our mistake. We will start working on it immediately, even tomorrow morning. We will come back and make this audience and these fans proud. I don’t want to talk about what è and what it will be, I’m just saying that we need defense, to stop the ball, this will help us then to score and to improve the percentages from two or three points on offense.”
“I learned shortly before the game that I would be head coach. Luca Banchi brought me to Bologna at a time when I was not working, I find an’immense gratitude towards the gentleman, with a capital S, Luca Banchi and the gentleman coach. Having worked with him for a year made me a better person, instilled in me sports and life values that in the world of sports but not only mean so much. I wish him the best, to be happy and to be well".
"Before coming to Bologna the’last coach I worked with è was Dusko Ivanovic and the’last game with me and Dusko on the bench was against Virtus Bologna: I feel a mix of emotions but having said that; I would have preferred it to be different today, I want to focus on what there’s to do becauseé the roadè hard and long. Everyone on this team and this staff will give 600 percent to make this square proud and return to make this uniform, these colors and this club proud.”