Chants against Vlahovic: heavy fine for Fiorentina

Corians against Vlahovic: heavy fine for Fiorentina
The sports judge has imposed a heavy fine on Fiorentina after its supporters’ discriminatory chants against Dusan Vlahovic during the match with Juventus, which caused the momentary suspension of the match by referee Maurizio Mariani.
"Fine of € 20,000.00: to Soc. FIORENTINA for having – we read in the official press release of the Serie A – its supporters, at 6° of the first half, due to a discriminatory chant against a player of the opposing team, forced the’Referee to suspend the match for about two minutes; as per protocol, the announcement of the statement against the discrimination was made; the supporters of the aforementioned chant were quantified by the collaborators of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office to be 30% of the fans present in the sector (955); after the announcement and also thanks to the active intervention of the captain of Soc. Fiorentina, such chants did not occur again; those in charge of public order were unable to establish with a sufficient degree of certainty which sector of the stadium fans were involved".
The purple club is not the only one sanctioned after the 18th day of Serie A. As many as 7 other clubs have been fined: Inter, Milan, Lazio, Bologna, Genoa, Monza and Hellas Verona.
Fine of € 5,000.00: to Soc. INTERNAZIONALE for having its supporters, during the match, thrown in a sector occupied by the supporters of the opposing team three coins, without causing damage; penalty mitigated ex art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) CGS.
Fine of € 4,000.00: to Soc. GENOA for having its supporters, during the match, throwing some firecrackers in the playing area; attenuated penalty ex art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) CGS.
Fine of € 3,000.00: to Soc. MILAN as objective responsibility, for having unjustifiably delayed the start of the first half by about three minutes.
Fine of € 3,000.00: to Soc. MILAN for having its supporters, at 44° of the first half, repeatedly intoned an insulting chorus towards the referee.
Fine of € 3,000.00: to Soc. MONZA for having its supporters, during the match, throw two lighters on the playing field; penalty mitigated ex art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) CGS.
Fine of € 2,000.00: to Soc. FIORENTINA for having its supporters, at the 48° of the second half, throwing a coin into the playing area; penalty mitigated ex art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) CGS.
Fine of € 2,000.00: to the Soc. HELLAS VERONA for having its supporters, at the 38° of the first half, launched a firecracker in the playing area; attenuated sanction ex art. 29, comma 1 lett. b) CGS.
Fine of € 2,000.00: to Soc. LAZIO for having its supporters, during the match, launched two smoke bombs in the playing area; penalty mitigated ex art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) CGS.
Fine of € 1,500.00: to Soc. BOLOGNA for having its supporters, at 1° of the first half, launched a smoke bomb in the playing area; penalty mitigated ex art. 29, paragraph 1 lett. b) CGS.