Ibrahimovic collects Tapiro and confirms Conceiçao

Ibrahimovic cashes the Tapiro and confirms Conceiçao
Wednesday at Striscia la notizia Tapiro d’oro to Zlatan Ibrahimovic, after the bitter draw against Feyenoord that è cost Milan the elimination from the final phase of the Champions League.
Delivering it è was of course the tapiroforo Valerio Staffelli. "We are disappointed and angry, the Tapiro è deserved – admitted the Swedish manager -. It è was not a good moment. Yesterday è we lacked maturity, but now the goal è to remain united as a group for the championship and the Italian Cup".
"Conceiçao stay? He is doing well: when è arrived things changed. We are still not 100 percent, but we are improving. He has our full confidence" concluded Ibrahimovic.
For Zlatan Ibrahimovic è the ninth Golden Tapiro d’of his career. The full report will be broadcast this evening on Striscia la notizia (Channel 5, 8:35 pm).