Virtus Bologna, Rayjon Tucker thanks Dusko Ivanovic

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Tucker’s words

Interviewed in the “Corriere di Bologna”, Rayjon Tucker talked about his growth in performance with Virtus Segafredo Bologna in the last period: “I probably needed time, then Ivanovic gave me the opportunity that every player needs. My teammates were always there for me in the darkest moments, even the coaching staff never left me alone to fight in adversity. The season è long and you have to be at the top in the decisive moments, now finally things are going well. Ivanovic asks me to play hard and make myself heard on defense. We have a team full of players who can do different things, the important thing is to play the right way”.

In December, Tucker had chosen not to return to Venice and stay at Virtus: “I wanted to grow as a player on and off the court, finding the way to do that here was the best choice. I didn’t want to miss the chance to work every day with great talent who have NBA experience, have been Mvp of Euroleague and have won so much. I wanted to stay because it wouldn&#39t have been good for my career and my growth to go back inside a "comfort zone".

Off the field, who è Rayjon Tucker? "I love listening and making music, I have my own fashion clothing brand called Forever BTO and in the summer when I come home I have a basketball camp for kids from third grade to high school. Occasionally I play play playstation online with classmates, Call of Duty with Clyburn, Diouf and Morgan”.

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