Milan, the climb to the scudetto starts in Pinerolo

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Milan to Pinerolo

After a month of preparation and two intense weekends between Courmayeur Cup and SuperCoppa, Numia Vero Volleyball Milano è ready to debut in the ninth consecutive season in Serie A1 Tigotà. The Consortium s first women’s team on Sunday, October 6 at 4:30 pm (live DAZN) will be on the Piedmontese court of Wash4green Pinerolo for the first day of the first leg of the 2024/25 Regular Season.

Six months after’the last challenge – in the PlayOff Quarterfinals 2023/24, which had seen the Milanese triumph in Game-2 over the Piedmontese and thus detach– the pass for the Semifinals – the two formations return to face each other with the’objective of winning the first points in the standings. This will be the seventh confrontation with a balance leaning in favor of Milan: 6 wins to 0. It will beà challenge also between the two Olympic setters, Alessia Orro and Carlotta Cambi.

Almost entirely confirmed Wash4green’s roster that also this season will field Cambi at the setter, Sorokaite, D’Odorico and Bussoli as dunks, at the center Cosi and Akrari – new team captain – the pair Di Mario-Moro as libero. New entries, however, Perinelli, Bracchi, Smarzek and Moreno Reyes in the women’s slappers’ department and Olinga Andela at center. Among the setters Avenia. Confirmed for the sixth consecutive season coach Marchiaro.

Stefano Lavarini, coach Numia Vero Volley Milano: “The team is preparing with quality and attention for the’championship debut. There’è the desire to start the Regular Season by playing a good match on a field always challenging and hot as that of Pinerolo. It will be essential to maintain a consistent performance against an’opponent that, in previous seasons, has always shown great tenacity”.

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