Martina Fidanza is world champion again

The words of Martina Fidanza
Martina Fidanza is world champion in the scratch. The Bergamasque woman came out on top at the end of the 40-lap race and thus gave a powerful kick to the misfortune that has plagued her over the past year under sorma of Covid, cardiac ablation and fractured vertebrae.
It was a seemingly simple race for Fidanza, who ran on the wings of the lightness of someone who had nothing to lose, in the sense that a world specialty title, she, already had it on her palmares. A race in control, without wasting energy in which she was able to move up the pack with consummate skill with 10 laps to go. She positioned herself at the top of the track and continued to gain positions and, with minus 2 to go, launched herself into a sprint that later turned out to be irresistible. At the finish line a liberating scream and many tears. Behind her were Dutch Maike Van Der Duin and Britain’s Jessica Roberts.
“It was a race that I wanted to win again in a very difficult year. – tells Fidanza barely holding back tears – I’ve been through a lot this year. After winning the 2021 world championship (in Roubaix) I had my father Giovanni in the hospital, then Covid and ablation, broken vertebrae as well as a period of illness. Today it’s like going back to the peak because people quickly forget what you’ve conquered. Instead, I believed in myself so much and I thank those who stood by me: the Golden Flames, the National Team, the team, my family and my boyfriend.”