Fisi, Flavio Roda confirmed as president

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Flavio Roda remains president of Fisi

Flavio Roda will still be the president of Fisi, the Italian Winter Sports Federation: the 74-year-old executive from Emilia obtained 57.62 percent of the votes in the federal elections held on Saturday, Oct. 15, amounting to 50,144 preferences, as explained by the Federation itself on its official channels.

As for the other candidates, Stefano Maldifassi got 25,219 votes (28.98 percent), Angelo Dalpez 7,121 (8.18 percent) and Alessandro Falez 3,972 (4.56 percent). Giacomo Bisconti, on the other hand, withdrew before the election took place, during the regular Federal Assembly held in Milan.

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