F1, Toto Wolff kicks it up a notch: new attack on Red Bull

More harsh words from Toto Wolff towards Red Bull
Already extremely harsh in previous interviews on the subject, Toto Wolff, speaking to ‘Sky Sports’, reiterated his extremely critical stance toward Red Bull on the budget cap case.
“Financial regulation is like technical regulation or sporting regulation,” said the Mercedes team principal. “If a technical violation leads to disqualification, the same should happen when there is a financial violation. There are nine teams that have been below the budget cap and one that has exceeded it. We don’t know how much the cap was exceeded because the FIA investigation is still ongoing, but what I think is that there should be a penalty appropriate to the infraction.”
“For now there is a lot of confusion,” Wolff concluded, “If, for example, the violation was a million or two, it can decide the championship, because an upgrade can cost 300 or 400 thousand euros. The FIA has to assess the extent of the violation and then make a meaningful decision. What is certain is that the financial regulation is new, we all have to understand better how to make F1 fairer in the future.”