Marc Marquez riles up Valentino Rossi’s fans

A never-ending story
“The booing on the podium or applause for crashes happened and there was a person who could stop them, but he didn’t want to.” Marc Marquez did not name names in the interview he gave a few days ago to the Spanish newspaper As. But it is clear that he was referring to Valentino Rossi.
“Considering that I was 22 years old and also what happened in the previous days I would act the same way again. After all, the only thing I did was fight more than usual, in the first few laps, with an opponent who responded to each of my overtakes. Neither of us had more speed than the other, only Lorenzo and Pedrosa had a different pace: for a few laps we battled until one of us lost patience. I think he could have handled everything differently than he did, because the one who lost his temper was Valentino and not me,” added the Spaniard.
Phrases that, a few days later, are sparking great controversy in the ‘Doctor’s’ fan groups.