Federico Baschirotto, the agent gets out of the market.

Federico Baschirotto, the agent gets out of the market.
Reached by the microphones of TMW, Federico Baschirotto’s agent, Guido Gallovich, spoke about the negotiation that brought the defender to Lecce: “The opportunity arose from the synthesis between Lecce’s courage and foresight on the one hand and Ascoli’s gentlemanly willingness on the other. Such a combination allowed the most authentic components of the sport to be enhanced, namely the dreams and merits of those who practice it.”
“Knowing very well the mental, even before the physical, solidity of Federico, I am not surprised that he got where he is now. He has always been genuinely convinced that he can make it and has lived the path of growth without ever worrying about how far the finish line was, remaining focused on gathering along the way anything that could be profitable to continue the journey.”
Baschirotto’s performance has attracted several clubs but Gallovich is cautious about a possible transfer: “The market will depend on Lecce and it is right that it should be so not only because the boy has a long contract with the club, but also and above all because we need to be grateful.”
“Those who come from the bottom feel first of all a great responsibility to themselves and to the effort they have put in. It is a form of respect that still to the ground. For a footballer who is in his first year in Serie A, there are still so many goals to achieve. The next one is certainly salvation with Lecce,” the prosecutor concluded.