Scafati, Pino Sacripanti makes a request to fans

Pino Sacripanti introduces himself in Scafati
Givova Scafati introduced on Monday, Feb. 20, the coach who took the place of resigning Attilio Caja, Stefano ‘Pino’ Sacripanti.
The 1970-born coach welcomed the challenge with clear goals and, above all, a real appeal to the Gialloblù fans: “I hope to have the palasport full like in the final of last championship against Cantù,” Sacripanti said, “because being in the A series is not at all taken for granted and it is not a normality, on the contrary, it is something very prestigious that must be confirmed. I hope to get in tune with the environment right away, because we need synergy of purpose and compactness to keep the top category, believing in it always and until the end.”
“I come after two very good and competent coaches, who have done very well,” he added, speaking of Alessandro Rossi and Attilio Caja. “Now there are eleven games to win with enthusiasm, confidence and compactness: I cannot throw away what has been done so far, but change with common sense and intelligence those few things that are needed, trying to capitalize on all that is good, with the hope of finding a fiery environment among the friendly walls.